Donating Emergency Food for NPO


Social Contribution Activities

In preparation for the event of a large-scale disaster or other contingency, we have stocked emergency supplies as other disaster countermeasures. As part of our CSR activities, we donated canned food and drinking water that had reached the point of replacement (44 cans of Calorie Mate, 264 cans of canned food, 1,300 bags of shrimp pilaf, and 3,840 bottles of water (1.5 L each)) to “Food Bank Fuji-no-kuni” (NPO). These canned foods and drinking water will be provided free of charge to distributed for people who in need and children's homes through the support organization.
What is NPO Food Bank Fuji-no-kuni?
NPO Food Bank Fuji-no-kuni is an association which aiming to establish a food bank activity as a local system that receives food donations from companies and individuals and appropriately distributes food to people in need of support, and to create a society of assistance.